Saturday 22 July 2017


Tool bar which we can see on the left side after opening the photoshop.
Different tools:
Move tool:
Move the objects by click on them and dragging.
Original image we have to change in to normal layer then we can drag the objects.
 After dragging the image.
Rectangle Marquee tool:
Select an area in your image in a rectangle box.
We can cut the image in rectangle shape and we can paste where it required.
Polygonal Lasso tool:
Selects an area in your image in free form shape.
Magic wand tool:
Selects the pixels with similar colors in a single click.
Crop tool:
Select an area of image and discard everything outside of the area.
Eyedropper tool:
Used to sample a color from an image to use this color further.
Spot healing brush tool:
Takes damaged or unwanted area and replaces with good texture from another area.

Brush tool:
Selects the area where you paint with brush.

Eraser tool:
Erases the pixels in the image as you drag through them.
We can see the white portion where we erased the image.
Gradient tool:
Gradients are gradual changes of color sweep over an image or a portion of an image.
Blur tool:
Softens hard edges or areas in an image by reducing details.
Dodge tool:
Lightens area of an image.
Burn tool:
Darkens area of an image.
Sponge tool:
Changes the color saturation of an area.
Pen tool:
Creation of smooth edged selections.
Horizontal type tool:
Creates and edits text in a separate layer.
Rectangle tool:
Selects an area and filled with selected color.
Hand tool:
Moves your photo in the work space.
Can drag image using this tool.
Zoom tool:
Zooms in or out of an image.
Edit tool bar:
Can see what are the tools we are having in photoshop.
Switch foreground/background color:
Color picker can picks the color what ever the color we required.

Change screen mode:
We can change our screen to full screen mode and we can see only image with out any options.