Thursday 31 August 2017


Command prompt:
User interface screen for an operating system or program.
Command line:
known as a console user interface means interacting with a computer program with the successive lines of text (command lines).
Opening command prompt:
In start type cmd or click windows+R button type cmd then it opens.

To know the system information:
Type systeminfo in the command prompt we can see the complete information about the system with command line.

IP address and DNS of a computer:
IPv4 address:
Trace the time to go to a server:
Find mac address of all network devices:
Changing ip address:
netsh interface ipv4 set address name="INTERFACE NAME"static IP_ADDRESS SUBNET_MASK GATEWAY
Displays all files and folders in the current directory.
Current address our system is using.
Currently open ports and related ip addresses.
Creation of a text file from command prompt:

Put all the filenames in a directory in to a text file:
Now, open c drive in that users than sps folder we can see file name with data.

Copied all the files which we have seen in command prompt to a text file.

Trace to encrypt the data:
Now go to c drive then users and go to sps we can see a text file with name file.txt

Trace to decrypt the data: